Germany Automação 3 Localizações

A ASM ajuda importante fábrica de aço a vender 200 toneladas de peças em excesso

Uma importante fábrica de aço recorreu à Active Stock Management para resolver seu problema de como estocar 200 toneladas. Devido ao encerramento previsto de várias filiais, tais peças sobressalentes tornaram-se obsoletas.



An ASM purchaser assisted the steel plant in selling off its spare parts. Our purchaser visited all the steel sites to be able to take inventory and inspect the available stock. After having visited these sites, it became apparent there was more obsolete stock available then initially expected.

Based on our purchaser’s analysis, ASM drafted individual evaluations for each spare part category: bearings, electric motors, pneumatics, automation parts. This gave the steel plant an overview and the opportunity to either sell a part of their overstock to ASM or the entire stock at once. The steel plant decided that it was easier to have one company be responsible for selling the whole surplus stock. Having picked ASM to sell all its obsolete parts, the plant no longer had to waste time or become involved in putting these items on the market.

Once the deal was finalized, our purchaser did the planning and the preparations for packing and transporting the 200 tons of spare parts to ASM’s central warehouse in the Netherlands. Since ASM’s purchase service is free of charge, all visits, preparation, inspections and transport were ‘part of the deal’.

Need help in selling your obsolete stock? Want to save time, energy and see a return on your obsolete stock? Please feel free to contact our purchasers now.

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